Swedish Musical Instruments

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Fiddle The term fiddle refers to a violin when used in folk music. It is also a colloquial term for the instrument used by players in all genres, including classical music. Fiddle playing, or fiddling, is a style of music.
In construction, fiddles and violins are exactly the same. To a greater extent than classical violin playing, fiddle playing is characterized by a huge variety of ethnic or folk music traditions, each of which has its own distinctive sound.
The photo shows "Hins-Anders" painted by Anders Zorn, 1904.
Hummel The Hummel is an old Swedish stringed instrument that can be compared to an older type of zither and is related to the Norwegian instrument, the langeleik. The name is thought to come from the German word "Hummel", meaning "bee", referring to the droning sound created by the accompaniment strings.
The hummel is placed on a table, just like with a zither, to amplify the sound. The melody strings are sounded by being plucked downwards, either with fingers or a plectrum.
Nyckelharpa A nyckelharpa (literally "key harp", plural nyckelharpor) is a traditional Swedish musical instrument. It is a string instrument or chordophone. Its keys are attached to tangents which, when the key is depressed, serve as frets to change the pitch of the string.
The nyckelharpa is similar to both a fiddle and a hurdy gurdy.
Since the end of the 20th century the nyckelharpa has become more and more popular, even outside of Sweden and in different music styles.
Säckpipa Säckpipa are a variety of bagpipes from the Kingdom of Sweden.
This instrument was on the brink of extinction in the first half of the 20th century. It has a cylindrical bore and a single reed, as well as a single drone at the same pitch as the bottom note of the chanter.
Today there are a couple of Swedish folk music groups that include the bag pipes in their setting. The most well-known of these is by no doubt Hedningarna.
The image shows one of Alban Faust's modernised set of Swedish bagpipes. Chanters in A and G, three drones, and bellows.

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